We have chosen to call our viewing trips Inspiration Days, because that is exactly what they are.
The goal of the Inspiration Days is that our member facilities will be able to show their meeting places and be able to make valuable contacts with meeting bookers in order to be able to do more business.
Here we have collected some tips, questions and answers that can be good to know before the Inspiration Days.
Think about how you want the participants to experience your facility.
Go through all the spaces you want to show and check that everything looks good, light up and open the doors.
Divide the group into two or three parts during the show to make it as smooth as possible. A maximum of 10-12 people per group is a good benchmark.
Rather tell pictures about how a conference with you can be, instead of telling a lot of facts. Facts can be read about in the catalog and in brochure material.
Do not forget to inform all staff that it is a tour, it reinforces the professional feeling.
You have the opportunity to present yourself and your facility for a few minutes during the bus journey.
What would you like to hear and what would you remember yourself? Rather tell pictures about how a conference with you can be, instead of telling a lot of facts.
It is free to bring give aways, have a competition or similar. It is also possible to show a short film on the bus (DVD, however, the player may be sensitive to burned discs).
Feel free to plan your plan for Inspiration Day - do you want to focus on some chosen ones or do you want to have time to talk a little with everyone? What are your goals for the day?
Respect your colleagues' facilities. We are all representatives of Skånska Möten and its facilities during these days and we take it for granted that we maintain a high professional level. Rather come with constructive criticism directly to the facility after the visit.
What do you take with you from the day? How did you set up your work during the day?
- A good way to meet customers as you get a lot of time with different people. I tried to talk to everyone in different rounds, changed places at coffee shops, etc.
Can you recommend other colleagues to go on Inspiration Day?
- Yes absolutely. It is an easy way to meet both old and new customers. Also as inspiration about other facilities.
How will you continue to work with the contacts you made?
- We will send out all the contacts we received.
Andreas Andersson, Sales Manager GRAM Hotels
(Hotel Riviera Strand, Hotel Skansen & Torekov Hotel)
How do you work before, during and after Inspiration Day?
- I always look through the list of who should join and then I google some before. Set goals for the day and with whom I should talk more. This time I did not have time with everyone but will invite some here for lunch for a further discussion and tour of our hotels.
Can you recommend other colleagues to go on Inspiration Day?
- Yes! Having the opportunity to socialize in a natural way with our bookers is an advantage. There is no stress and the bookers are relaxed and open to new opportunities and ideas.
How will you continue to work with the contacts you made?
- Have a lot I want to invite to lunch and viewing and two Danish bookers that I have offered to try to stay with us. Everyone will also get to take advantage of our offer of a 15% discount on Christmas tables.
Sara Gyllin, event and conference coordinator, Grand Hotel Lund
Who goes with?
Our network of contacts is wide and there are meeting bookers from private companies, large and small, public administration, municipalities, training companies, etc. The requirement is that they regularly book conferences outside their workplace. We deny participants who do not meet these criteria. In addition to the meeting books, we bring 4-5 colleagues from our other member facilities.
How is the selection of display facilities done?
With 6-8 trips per year, we have time to show half of our member facilities. The selection takes place partly in turn and partly geographically so that the trip has a good flow. Because it is easier to remember a meeting place when you have coffee or lunch, the desire to be offered this is greater than the need, so we try to be as fair as possible in terms of distribution.
Generally, 40 minutes are given for viewing, 40 minutes for coffee and one hour for lunch.
What happens before Inspiration Day?
Approximately one week before the trip, participating facilities receive a list of participants included ev. special diets etc, to be able to read who comes with.
What happens after Inspiration Day?
After the trip, participating facilities receive a complete contact list of those who have participated. Feel free to edit the list by calling those who are interesting and inviting them to you, offering quotes, etc.
The meeting buyers may fill in a questionnaire where they can answer what they thought of the day, which facilities they can imagine booking, what they have going on in the future, etc. The results of that survey are sent out to participating facilities approx. two weeks after the trip.
Do you have questions or concerns that are not included here?
Contact network coordinator Elin Moritz at or 040-78810